Property Maintenance in New Preston

Property Maintenance

Physical plant repairs and maintenance, both routine and preventive, vehicle management and maintenance, periodic maintenance to critical infrastructure, regular and seasonal cleaning. Everything needed to to keep a property fully functional, and operating in its best condition.

Outdoor Care in Bantam

Outdoor Care

Landscaping, gardening, planting, drainage issues and maintenance, pool and or waterfront management, gutter cleaning and repairs, tree work, including pruning and arborist care. Anything that a property needs in order to look its best for you!


Concierge Services in Litchfield

Concierge Services

Ask about the unique concierge services that we offer all our clients, including pick-ups and drop-offs at the airport or train, house prep (shopping, cooking, warming, etc), mail and package pickup, pet and child care, and much more.


Vendor Coördination in Litchfield

Vendor Coordination

We handle all your property's vendor relationships for all projects, making it easy for you to always know exactly who you need to call for anything, big or small.

Property Accounting in New Preston

Property Accounting

We offer complete accounting services, including budgeting, expense tracking, and reporting for tax, year end or other needs.


18 years of dependable expertise in Morris



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